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Natural Relief For Radiation Necrosis Pain With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

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When Cancer Radiation Treatments Damage Cells, Can Natural HBOT Repair Them?

Lots of people have radiation therapy to treat cancer, and the truth is radiation kills cancer cells very effectively. Unfortunately, radiation can equally easily kill the cells that surround a tumor. And that damage often doesn’t present symptoms until long after the cancer has been eradicated, sometimes a decade or more later. Doctors always let patients know the risks of radiation therapy. Sadly, however, around five percent of those who have the treatment will end up with radiation necrosis, a condition where the soft tissue cells surrounding the original tumor begin to die.

Radiation necrosis symptoms can be disabling. They include pain, headaches, seizures, cognitive problems, and, very occasionally, even death. Unfortunately, most medical treatments for these delayed radiation injuries don’t work effectively at all. But many radiation necrosis sufferers find their symptoms improve significantly with natural Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)…

Wondering if HBOT can bring you relief from Radiation Necrosis symptoms? To schedule a clinical assessment at our Palm Harbor, Florida, Center, click here now or call (727) 787-7077.

The way hyperbaric oxygen therapy works is by bathing the body with pure oxygen under various carefully controlled sea-level pressures. The healing happens in a state-of-the-art sealed, clear chamber where supersaturated O2 levels permit blood to transport vital nutrients to damaged cells. Patients can even listen to music or watch TV to help the time pass! As they lie comfortably in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, the patient’s inflammation and swelling goes down. The natural therapy reduces scar tissue formation, and then healthy new blood capillaries begin to form. HBOT treatments literally reverse damage to blood vessels and tissues that the radiation treatments caused!

Can HBOT Help All Patients with Delayed Radiation Disease?

Depending on the type of cancer radiation treatment you had, your results with FDA-approved HBOT may vary. For example, 50-60% of those who had Prostate and Colorectal Cancer Radiation found their symptoms improved, sometimes completely. Hyperbaric treatment for Cervical and Bladder Cancer Radiation resolves symptoms in around 75% of cases. HBOT effectively reverses symptoms in 83% of patients who have Head, Neck and Mouth Radiation. The success rate of HBOT to halt the progress of – or even reverse – brain damage in those who have Brain Tumor Radiation is as high as 90%. We see very encouraging results with our radiation necrosis patients, and we believe the treatment merits your serious consideration.

Does Insurance Pay for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Radiation Necrosis is one of the 14 conditions that the FDA has officially approved for HBOT treatments. That means that Medicare and other insurers frequently cover the cost. We can let you know with more certainty if we are able to evaluate your health condition in person.

If radiation damage has caused you to suffer from delayed pain and discomfort, we can help. To learn more about AMA and FDA-approved Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, call (727) 787-7077 to schedule a personalized consultation with neurologist, Dr. Spiegel, MD. A member of our office staff will confirm your appointment soon.

Delayed Radiation Injuries And HBOT Treatments

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Heal Delayed Radiation Injuries with HBOT, an AMA and FDA-Approved Radiation Necrosis Treatment:

It’s hard enough to get through cancer radiation treatment without worrying about its difficult long term side effects. Radiation effectively eradicates breast, head, neck, prostate, rectal, cervical and bladder tumors. But in spite of doctors’ best efforts, radiation can impact a tumors’ surrounding tissues by causing focal lesions. These tissue injuries create painful and difficult symptoms that can appear anywhere from six months to decades after the original radiation treatment. We refer to the cell injuries and death as Radiation Necrosis. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a safe and non-invasive way to heal (or even prevent) this devastating radiation side effect.

HBOT has been used in the U.S., Europe and around the world for decades to successfully treat radiation necrosis. In fact, the disease is one of 14 conditions that the FDA officially approves for healing with hyperbaric oxygen. During HBOT, a patient lies comfortably in a hard-shell, sealed clear chamber while breathing in pure oxygen under a variety of sea level pressures. This high 02 density provides nutrients to oxygen starved areas of the body so that swelling goes down and tissues can heal effectively. When patients begin having HBOT immediately after completing radiation treatments, they can often avoid necrosis (tissue death) altogether. But why tempt fate? If patients wait to see whether they’ll get radiation necrosis, they can end up with symptoms that are truly devastating…

The earliest indication of radiation necrosis could be a simple, low grade fever. If you have recently had radiation treatments, you should routinely monitor your vitals, such as temperature, heart and respiration rates and take care not to over-exert yourself while exercising. In fact, do not exercise within two hours of radiation treatments at all, because exercise boosts blood circulation and that could increase radiation’s effects. While exercising, always be on the lookout for signs of excessive sweating, pale skin color, labored breathing, or fatigue. These could signal early stage necrosis symptoms.

Later stage symptoms of delayed radiation injury can be devastating. Side effects include fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, seizures, pain, headaches, problems thinking and planning, memory loss, infertility and, sometimes, even death. Those who have radiation necrosis can rarely keep working or live a normal life. That’s why we advocate starting hyperbaric treatments as soon as radiation therapy is finished.

Does Insurance Cover HBOT Therapy for Delayed Radiation Injury?

Radiation Necrosis is one of 14 conditions that the FDA officially approves for healing with HBOT. Medicare and other insurers will frequently cover the cost, but your carrier makes the ultimate decision as to whether they will pay for your treatment. We can let you know with more certainty if we are able to evaluate your health condition in person. In cases where HBOT Therapy is not covered by insurance, we will go over several options with you that can help to keep treatments more affordable.

If radiation damage has caused you to suffer from delayed pain and discomfort or if you would like to lessen your risk of getting radiation necrosis, we can help. To learn more about AMA and FDA-approved Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, call (727) 787-7077 today, or click here to schedule a personalized consultation with neurologist, Dr. Spiegel, MD. A member of our office staff will confirm your appointment soon.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Enables RSD Sufferer to Live Pain Free…

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See How HBOT Helps Our Patient, Jennifer Live Pain Free After Years of Suffering

In the video above, you’ll hear from Jennifer, a patient at our center whose frightening symptoms of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) began after she had a routine vaccine in 2009. Within two days of the injection, she felt severe pain in her right ear. Vertigo spells caused her to lose her balance and fall down, and her head felt like it was crushed in a vice. And as if these symptoms weren’t bad enough, Jennifer felt electrical shocks all over her body. Soon, she began having trouble swallowing, and she couldn’t even nurse her newborn or hug her other young children, as the pain of touching them felt too excruciating.

Jennifer’s symptoms went on for months – intermittently, but with terrible flare-ups. She was plagued with cold sensitivity and began having visual and auditory hallucinations. She could no longer drive or perform everyday tasks. Jennifer and her family consulted 12 doctors, from infectious disease specialists to neurologists and chiropractors. But none of them could determine the cause of her symptoms, and when she insisted these began with the vaccine, the doctors pooh-poohed her. Finally, a family physician referred Jennifer to a Drexel University specialist…

I’d like to say that was the end of Jennifer’s health problems. In fact, they were only beginning. Although the Drexel specialist had a six month waiting list, Jennifer was able to see him much sooner when one of his patients cancelled. It only took the doctor a few minutes to diagnose the young woman with systemic RSD resulting from the vaccine. He prescribed an expensive medicine that Jennifer’s insurance would not cover. A spinal tap test that the doctor ordered caused Jennifer even further injury. She began vomiting, felt terrible pain, and was not able to use her left side without dragging her legs when she tried to walk. After being hospitalized for 11 days, Jennifer began the drug treatments.

Months went by, and Jennifer’s symptoms did not improve. Thirteen months on the medication and $13,000 later, she became progressively more ill. Her legs became swollen and discolored, and she could sleep no more than two hours each day – even when taking strong pain medications. she became bed and wheelchair bound. Her body was literally shutting down. Desperate, Jennifer’s husband recalled that a friend had told the couple about treatment at our National Hyperbaric Oxygen Center in Palm Harbor, Florida.

“We should try HBOT therapy”, he urged.

“I’ve had it with treatments!” Jennifer replied.

Later, the young woman confessed that she had almost given up hope of living. But Jennifer listened to testimonials here on our website and read all the information she could. She conferred with her doctors at Drexel, who were all skeptical. They told her that HBOT treatment would never work. But after calling and speaking with Georgia and Marcia here at the center to learn more about hyperbaric oxygen therapy for RSD, Jennifer and her family dropped everything and made the long trek to Florida.

Within two HBOT treatment sessions, Jennifer could wiggle her toes and move her legs again, and she slept through the night for the first time in two years. Her pain went from 8-10 on the pain scale down to around a 5. After five weeks of HBOT, the pain she felt was mostly just related to her physical therapy. Jennifer is now free from RSD, and can drive a car and hold her children again. Remember, the best doctors in the world told her not to waste her time or money on HBOT. Watch Jennifer twirl effortlessly at the end of the video. I’ve not done that for 22 months! she says.

Nothing makes us happier here at the Center than seeing that kind of victory over RSD and other illnesses that doctors pronounce incurable!